Thursday, February 25, 2010

you are of more value than the sparrows.

I named my blog after a phrase in one of my favorite songs and also after an art project I've been created for my friend Lori.

I like the idea of birds, in theory. I like the way they migrate in a flock. I like the way they work together to get to places that are at a perfect temperature that season. I like the way they enjoy the sky. I like their feathers.

I like the way they hang out on a telephone wire, so nonchelant. It reminds me of middle aged people lined up on bar stools in a hole in the wall bar in some obscure town. They all have stories to tell.

I feel like a bird on a wire, a lot. I can relate.

There's something about birds that my friend reminded me about, though. It's the fact that I fucking hate them if they get too close. Pet stores give me an absolute panic attack. They squack in your ear and shit all over you. They look like freakish, tiny dinosaurs up close. I fully expect one to attack my face with it's claws and spit fire at me.

If we're comparing birds to people in the metephorical sense, which I have illuded to, I used to view people the latter. They looked nice from a distance. I liked to watch them, see what they were about. I didn't like it when they got close. If I let them, they squaked at me and shit all over me. They ruffled their feathers and flew away too fast.

But, as I follow Christ, people seem more like people and less like birds. Sure, I've encountered the person that you get close to and they shit all over you and leave but, I've let people get close. And it turns out, that's not a common reaction in the Body. I think it's beautiful.

after all,

"you are of more value than a flock of sparrows." matthew 10:31.

1 comment:

  1. You have the best writing style EVER. You just managed to die brilliant observations, absurdist humor, and Bible quotes into one neat and moving package. Best thing ever. Also, glad to hear that things are going better as far as getting close to others. :)

    - Matt H
