Saturday, June 18, 2011

Vail in bullet points.

Because unfortunately, bullet points are all I have time for.

-No job, but looking and hopeful
-Lots of hiking.
-Good friendships happening.
-Best bible study imaginable.
-Lots of vulnerability.
-Ice cream cones.
-Learning the importance and vitality of God's Word.
-Receiving and writing letters.
-Broke & Happy.
-Amazing discipler, Shawna. Who is incredibly authentic, tells me the truth, teaches me things, and laughs at my jokes.
-Working out Dad stuff.
-Playing guitar.
-Always good weather.
-Feeling God in the mountains.
-One of the best times ever.



  1. I am SO happy that you're experiencing this! I just finished up my package for you, but I can't mail it until Monday :(

  2. package!!! omg that's way too sweet of you!!
